Scaling Human Potential at The Speed of AI

At Hypernated, we equip businesses and individuals with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to excel in an AI-driven era.

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Success Stories

Since 2012, we've been helping businesses and individuals increase their revenue by providing result-driven solutions.

  • DevFest Mauritius

    In partnership with the Google Developer Group and the African Leadership College in Mauritius, we led the organization of the largest developer event on the island in 2018. This provided a myriad of opportunities for jobs, internships, networking, and community building for the ALC students.

  • Scratch Conference at MIT 2016

    We were the only organization from Africa to speak at the global Scratch Conference hosted by the MIT Media Lab in 2016. We talked about the impact of Scratch on teaching programming to kids and teens. The session was so inspiring that it led to the creation of the first Scratch Conference in Africa 2 years later. 

  • Launched the ALX Software Engineering program

    Built from the ground up, the ALX Software Engineering program in partnership with Holberton School. The program has now grown to become one of the largest trainers of software engineers in the world.

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